ABSTRAKKematian Ibu di Indonesia dapat terjadi pada masa persalinan diantaranya disebabkan karena ruptur perineum. Beberapa faktor yang dapat menyebabkan ruptura perineum antara lain posisi persalinan, cara meneran, pimpinan persalinan dan berat bayi saat lahir.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Posisi Meneran dengan Ruptur Perineum di BPM Suwinah Silem Teras Boyolali. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian yaitu  ibu bersalin sebanyak 32 orang, teknik sample menggunakan total sampling. Alat ukur dengan ceck list. Uji statistik chi square.Hasil : Posisi meneran antara posisi bukan setengah duduk (miring, telentang, lithotomi) dan setengah duduk sama banyaknya (50%). Kejadian ruptur perineum lebih banyak terjadi pada ibu dengan posisi persalinan bukan setengah duduk (miring, telentang dan lithotomi) (56,3%). Hasil uji chi square diperoleh nilai Ï = 0,033. Simpulan : Posisi Meneran mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan Ruptur Perineum di BPM Suwinah Teras Boyolali. Kata kunci : Posisi Meneran, Ruptur PerineumKata kunci : Ruptur perineum, Posisi meneran THE RELATIONSHIP OF BIRTH POSITION WITH A RUPTURED PERINEUM AT THE BIRTHING MOTHERABSTRACTMaternal Mortality in Indonesia can be occurs during labor process, which are caused of bleeding from the perineal lacerations. Several factors what can be causing the laceration of the perineal are a wrong birth position, how mothers pushing, how midwives guiding the birth process, and babies terjadi birth weight. The purpose of this study is to identify the correlation between birth position with perineal laceration in BPM Suwinah Silem Teras Boyolali. This study is an analytic-observational designs with cross sectional approach. Total sampling were used to get sample from 32 populations of women to give birth. Check list were used to observe the birth position and perineal laceration and Chi square statistical test to analized the correlation between variables. Resuld: there are fifty-fifty between the birth position (semi seated position and others like sideways, recumbent and lithotomi) that choosed by the women during birth. Perineal lacerations are more occur at the birth position others like sideways, recumbent and lithotomi (56,3%), with P value = 0.033. Conclusion: birth position have a significant correlation with perineal laceration especially at the woman that give birt in BPM Suwinah Teras Boyolali. Keywords: birth position, perineal laceration
How to Cite
Handayani, S., & Triwahyuni, Y. (2016). HUBUNGAN POSISI MENERAN DENGAN RUPTUR PERINEUM PADA IBU BERSALIN. Jurnal Kebidanan, 8(02).